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Welcome to our Website!  We hope you’ll find out a little more of who we are here, and we hope you’ll come & see who Jesus is with us.

Our Mission


We've summarized our mission as a church very simply.


Our mission is to celebrate and share Christ's love by feeding the Body and the soul.

Sunday Mornings


Our Sunday morning happenings are:

Disciples Cafe: 9:30 - 10:15 AM 


Sunday Morning Worship : 10:30 AM


Childcare is Provided


Wheelchair Accessible


Contact Us

9540 Fifth Street

Highland, IN 46322


(219) 924-5400

FCC Offers In-Person and Remote Worship
FCC Worship meets both in-person and offers live streaming of our worship on Facebook Live and Youtube as permanent feature to our worship ministry.   We welcome all the ways we can be in faithful community together!

Never miss a Sunday by joining our Facebook Group 

our YouTube Channel!  Subscribe at First Christian Church Highland IN today!

















Seeds of Hope Farm & Garden Logo

Click on the farm logo to be directed to the Farm page!

Coming ths Lent

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